Pedn Vounder: Adventures to Paradise

Pedn Vounder, Cornwall

Pedn Vounder - Cornwall's slice of paradise.

Okay, so Cornwall is undoubtably one of the most scenic places in the UK right? One of my resolutions this year was to steer away from Cornwall's tourist destination and head off of the beaten track to find some of the county's best kept secrets.

Top tips for exploring Pedn Vounder
Pedn Vounder, Cornwall

Often I scroll through Instagram looking for adventure inspiration, and a couple of weeks ago I found a image of a beach called Pedn Vounder by Kernow shots, and I couldn't believe that the photograph had been taken in Cornwall. Of course, Cornwall is beautiful but this picture looked like it had been taken in Thailand - the white sands and turquoise waters left me in desperation to go and check the beach out for myself.

Pedn Voudner is located west of Porthcuno - one of Cornwall's most loved and picturesque beaches. It was a beautiful sunny day in Cornwall with highs of 28 degrees and my best friend Leah and I decided to jump into the car and make the 50 minute journey towards Lands End to see if we could find the hidden gem.

Pedn Vounder, Cornwall

Porthcurno, Pedn Vounder’s neighbouring beach

*Since writing this post in June, I have revisited Pedn Vounder (November) and I can confirm, it is still as beautiful as EVER. This post is mixed with images from both our June visit and November visit*

I'd done my research about Pedn Vounder and I had heard that the access to it was pretty difficult (I mean scaling from a cliff kinda difficult) but it didn't put us off at all. I am a nightmare and once I have an idea in my head I don't discard it easily - I was going to get to that beach!

Top tips for exploring Pedn Vounder
Pedn Vounder, Cornwall

 Park in Treen and take the coastal park to the beach

We parked in Treen which is a small village in Porthcurno. There's a grassy carpark which is tucked away, but from here you can access the National Trust coastal paths that take you in different directions around the cliff edge. From the carpark, head left until you get to a dead end - then take the next left. 

What we saw next was just insane. Like I've mentioned previously, Cornwall has some incredible views but the view over Pedn Vounder will never be easy to forget. 

Now, as much as I love going on adventures, I haven't quite mastered the practicalities of dressing and packing for them. I may have left London a year ago but I still haven't come to terms that I just can't scale down the sides of Cornwall's cliffs in cute sandals and glam handbags. If you're heading to Pedn Vounder then please take my advice and dress appropriately for it because I'm not exaggerating when I say that you have to scale down the side of a cliff. 

Pedn Vounder, Cornwall

After about twenty minutes of climbing vertically, we reached the beach. Not only were we in shock about the views, but it turned out that there are also a lot of naked people wondering around. Not sure if cooking sausages on a BBQ was really the most appropriate thing to do...

If you are taking food along with you then I cannot stress enough about taking your rubbish away with you. This is undoubtably one of the most incredible beaches in the UK and we would all love it to stay that way. Also, I'd actually suggest NOT to take too much with you - it's a very difficult walk to the beach so making it as easy as possible is a good move.

Pedn Vounder, Cornwall

If you're looking to explore one of Cornwall's most incredible spots with insane views (and naked people) then Pedn Vounder is the place for you. Completely blown away. 

Pedn Vounder, Cornwall

The Nitty Gritty - 

Parking: Head to Treen and park in the grassy field (£2a day) and follow the directions to Logan's Rock. Follow the coastal path and turn right when you hit the coastal cross road. Pedn Vounder can be reached by foot from Porthcurno when the tide is out. 

Sat Nav: TR196LQ

Have you visited Pedn Vounder recently? I'd love to hear about your experience!